Monday, March 3, 2025
Maritime Reporter and Engenering News White Papers

July 2015 White Papers

Publication Date: Jul 2015


  • Shipbuilding
  • Ship Repair & Conversion
  • Workboat Construction
  • Workboat Repair
  • Marine Propulsion
  • Marine Electronics
  • U.S. Navy
  • U.S. Coast Guard
  • Offshore Energy
  • Ship and Boat Design
  • Marine Salvage and Recovery
  • Marine Safety
  • Marine Emission Reduction Technology
  • Marine Fuels & Lubricants
  • Ballast Water Management Systems
  • Maritime Security
  • Maritime Cyber Security
  • Arctic Engineering
  • Offshore Structures
  • Marine Renewable Energy
  • Deck Machinery
  • Cargo Handling Equipment
  • Ports & Logistics
  • Maritime Law
  • Software Solutions
  • Marine Communications
  • Satellite Communications
  • Naval Architecture Software

Special Reports and Whitepapers

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VGP Compliance: How the Latest EPA Marine Lubricant Requirements Affect You

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimates that more than 700 million gallons of petroleum enter the environment each year, more than half of which is due to irresponsible discharges and illegal disposal. Oil leakage from stern tubes, once considered a part of normal operational consumption of oil by ocean-going vessels, has become an issue of concern and is now considered oil pollution.

Francisco – the world’s fastest commercial ship
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GE Marine: Efficient, Reliable Power for Military & Commercial

GE Marine is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of marine propulsion products, systems and services including aeroderivative gas turbines. These highly efficient marine engines meet current and future emission regulations, and offer superior availability for various commercial and military applications. GE gas turbine propulsion systems and solutions are being used in some of the most novel projects such as to power the world’s fastest commercial ship as well as the United States Navy’s new LHD amphibious assault ship.

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Hawboldt: From Local Roots Grows a Global Power

Hawboldt Industries was founded in 1906 in Chester, a small town in rural Nova Scotia, Canada. After more than 100 years, the company still resides in the same town but its business and product focus has changed dramatically. From its humble beginnings primarily servicing the local Nova Scotia marine and fishing market, Hawboldt products now reach a global customer base and serve a dynamic group of market segments.

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Choosing the Right Equipment Saves More Than Money

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, a total of 717 work injuries occurred as a result of contact with objects and equipment in 2013. Roughly, 245 of them were struck by falling objects and another 105 workers were fatally injured after being caught in running equipment or machinery. Needless to say, anything can happen on a jobsite. Your equipment could malfunction or the weather might cause a whirlwind of unexpected issues, or even worse, someone could get hurt. Unfortunately, not much can be done when circumstances such as those arise, which is why developing preventive strategies is crucial to having a successful and safe project. One of those strategies is always choosing safe and reliable lifting equipment. But the question that remains is: is it safer to rent or to buy?

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A Guide to Fixed and Portable Gas Detection For Shipbuilding and Ship Maintenance from Scott Safety

Protecting your people and your physical structure, while ensuring business continuity, are the most important functions of a fixed gas detection solution. Engineering a reliable, high-performance system that makes it easier and more cost effective to meet this challenge is the driving force behind a truly universal approach to gas detection.

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PMC: Prime Mover Controls

Prime Mover Controls (PMC), based in Burnaby, B.C., Canada, began in 1969 as a small governor service shop, servicing virtually all types of Woodward governors. Over the years, PMC has kept up with new developments in governor technology and has maintained a dedicated and experienced staff of service technicians, as well as extensive test equipment. Servicing and adapting new Woodward governors to a wide variety of applications, both on and offshore, continues to be a significant part of PMC’s business.

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How Ester-Based Oils Handle Hydrolysis to Remain the Top EAL for VGP

When the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the new Vessel General Permit (VGP) in December 2013, lubricant and fluid manufacturers were prepared to give vessel owners a number of environmentally acceptable lubricants (EAL) to work with. EAL usage is now essentially required for any application on vessels where incidental lubricant discharge could occur in the marine environment. Those applications include stern tubes, thrusters, stabilizers, CPP propellers, and wire rope and mechanical equipment immersed in water during normal operation.

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New Software Requirements for Tankers & Bulkers Increase the Need for Software Solutions

(Herbert-ABS), sets the standard for leading edge stability, load management and emergency response software solutions for the marine and offshore industries. A joint venture between Herbert Engineering Corporation and American Bureau of Shipping, Herbert-ABS supplies quality marine and offshore software products that include LMP-Offshore (offshore load management), CargoMaxTM (shipboard trim, stability and loading) and HECSALVTM (salvage engineering and design). Herbert-ABS is headquartered in San Francisco, with site offices in Glasgow, Singapore, Busan and Shanghai. Herbert-ABS recognizes that success comes from putting their customers first in terms of on-time deliveries, technical excellence and after sales support. The company offers user-friendly software, which is continuously enhanced to meet the needs of the industry.

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